
These stories are shared from the best of my memory.  I’ve tried to be as accurate as I can on the facts.  Some time periods and sequences of events may be slightly amiss.  In every story, I feel the sense of the topic is very truly reflected, and the lessons I have learned, and the memories imparted remain vivid.

Over the years, I have become more and more aware that these experiences have helped me learn lessons small and large that have shaped my life, and my approach to all I do today.  I share these stories with great appreciation for the individuals who have helped me grow in so many ways.  The stories are hardly a complete compilation, and many others also contributed their part in important ways.

One of the things that I have witnessed in my business career is that stories often get polished up so that the spectacularly successful outcome is the result of incredible foresight, great strategy, and brilliant execution.  Yet what I often learned is that the reality is far different.  The successful outcomes emerged from dire circumstances, sometimes muddled in confusion and uncertainty, tinged with desperation and despair.  Yet the players in those cases examined the circumstances objectively, spotted the dim possibilities of success, acted, and pursued every opportunity for progress vigorously.

There is some parallel in these stories.  None of them claim great foresight as the key to the outcome.  Some are based on determination as a substitute.  Diplomacy, tact, and grace, to whatever extent I’ve achieved a bit today, were not necessarily a part of the repertoire earlier.  Yet I’ve always had respect for a good idea and a good effort.  From that, so many things become possible.

The result is that these stories are the ones where “Somehow it worked out well!”

Bill Kampe